Results for 'Pascal Markus Lemmer'

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  1.  18
    Consumers are willing to pay a price for explainable, but not for green AI. Evidence from a choice-based conjoint analysis.Markus B. Siewert, Stefan Wurster & Pascal D. König - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    A major challenge with the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence applications is to manage the long-term societal impacts of this technology. Two central concerns that have emerged in this respect are that the optimized goals behind the data processing of AI applications usually remain opaque and the energy footprint of their data processing is growing quickly. This study thus explores how much people value the transparency and environmental sustainability of AI using the example of personal AI assistants. The results from (...)
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    Who is controlling whom? Reframing “meaningful human control” of AI systems in security.Pascal Vörös, Serhiy Kandul, Thomas Burri & Markus Christen - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-7.
    Decisions in security contexts, including armed conflict, law enforcement, and disaster relief, often need to be taken under circumstances of limited information, stress, and time pressure. Since AI systems are capable of providing a certain amount of relief in such contexts, such systems will become increasingly important, be it as decision-support or decision-making systems. However, given that human life may be at stake in such situations, moral responsibility for such decisions should remain with humans. Hence the idea of “meaningful human (...)
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    Oscillation Phase Locking and Late ERP Components of Intracranial Hippocampal Recordings Correlate to Patient Performance in a Working Memory Task.Jonathan K. Kleen, Markus E. Testorf, David W. Roberts, Rod C. Scott, Barbara J. Jobst, Gregory L. Holmes & Pierre-Pascal Lenck-Santini - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  4. Beyond the Courtroom: Agency and the Perception of Free will.Edouard Machery, Markus Kneer, Pascale Willemsen & Albert Newen - 2023 - In Samuel Murray & Paul Henne (eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Action. Bloomsbury.
    In this paper, we call for a new approach to the psychology of free will attribution. While past research in experimental philosophy and psychology has mostly been focused on reasoning- based judgment (“the courtroom approach”), we argue that like agency and mindedness, free will can also be experienced perceptually (“the perceptual approach”). We further propose a new model of free will attribution—the agency model—according to which the experience of free will is elicited by the perceptual cues that prompt the attribution (...)
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    La philosophie de Simondon.Pascal Chabot - 2003 - Paris: Vrin.
    Etude sur la philosophie de la technique et la pensée de l'individuation chez Gilbert Simondon qui interroge les notions de progrès, d'aliénation et de mémoire et leur devenir lors des grands changements de l'histoire des techniques (tradition, révolution industrielle, cybernétique). Met également en lumière son rapport à la psychologie des profondeurs, au sacré et à la technoesthétique.
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  6. The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality.Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen & Edouard Machery (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Leading linguists and philosophers report on all aspects of compositionality, the notion that the meaning of an expression can be derived from its parts. This book explores every dimension of this field, reporting critically on different lines of research, revealing connections between them, and highlighting current problems and opportunities.
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  7. Politique du contrat.Pascal Delhom - 2011 - Etica E Politica 13 (1):57-66.
    For a phenomenologist, the question that has to be asked about peace is not primarily whether it can be defined as the tranquillity of order, a law of nature or an infinite task, as it were according to Augustine, Hobbes and Kant. It is rather a question of its phenomenality : how does peace appear to us, how does it get visible? In his attempt to answer this question, Waldenfels privileges the event of a peace agreement and proposes a reconstruction (...)
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    Les parents et le psychologue face aux adolescents kamikazes.Pascal Hachet - 2001 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 153 (3):77.
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    Le psychologue et le toxicomane.Pascal Hachet - 2003 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 159 (1):13.
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    Scientific phenomena and patterns in data.Pascal Ströing - 2018 - Dissertation, Lmu München
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    Introduction.Markus Seidel & Richard Schantz - 2011 - In Richard Schantz & Markus Seidel (eds.), The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge. Lancaster, LA1: ontos. pp. 11-22.
  12. Imagine și sens.Pascal Bentoiu - 1971 - București,: Editura muzicală.
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  13. Karl Mannheim, Relativism and Knowledge in the Natural Sciences – A Deviant Interpretation.Markus Seidel - 2011 - In Richard Schantz & Markus Seidel (eds.), The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge. Lancaster, LA1: ontos. pp. 183-214.
    The paper focuses on one central aspect of Karl Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge: his exemption of the contents of mathematics and the natural sciences from sociological investigations. After emphasizing the importance of Mannheim’s contribution and his exemption-thesis to the history and development of the field and the problem of relativism, I survey several interpretations of the thesis – especially those put forward by proponents of the so-called ‘Strong Programme’. I argue that these interpretations do not get the philosophical background and (...)
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    Michel Foucault: pädagogische Lektüren.Norbert Ricken & Markus Rieger-Ladich (eds.) - 2004 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Michel Foucault entwickelt sich gegenwartig zweifellos zu einer der neuen Bezugsgrossen des padagogischen Diskurses: Nach einer langen Phase grosser Widerstande innerhalb der deutschsprachigen Erziehungswissenschaft werden jetzt die ...
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    Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann/Francesco Alfieri, Martin Heidegger.Pascal David - 2018 - Heidegger Studies 34:293-298.
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  16. Les normes de la pensée: esquisse d'une généalogie.Pascal Engel - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (1):31-50.
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  17. Opuscules philosophiques.B. Pascal & Michel Boy - 1981 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 171 (3):354-354.
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    Extraordinary partisanship in the European Union: Constituent power and the problem of political agency.Markus Patberg - 2020 - Constellations 27 (1):143-157.
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    Artistic Praxis and the Neoliberalization of the Educational Space.Pascal Gielen - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (1):58-71.
    Toward the end of his monograph The Craftsman, the American philosopher Richard Sennett describes two different ways of building a house.1 The designer of the first house is the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, and the designer of the second house is the architect Adolf Loos. Though both men embrace the same principles of the New Realism—"purity," "simplicity," and "honesty"—the results of these two builders are fundamentally different. Wittgenstein was not satisfied at all with his abode in the end. Though he says (...)
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    Marcel Mauss retrouvé. Origines de l'anthropologie du rythme.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    P. Michon, Marcel Mauss retrouvé. Origines de l'anthropologie du rythme, Paris, Rhuthmos, coll. « Rythmologies », 2015, 130 p. Si vous désirez le livre SOUS SA FORME IMPRIMÉE, envoyez-nous un mail à [email protected]. Vous pouvez également le commander sur ou sur tout autre site plus accessible pour vous. Marcel Mauss est l'un de ceux qui ont le plus fait pour la théorie du rythme au XXe siècle. Pourtant, parmi ses héritiers directs, seul Gurvitch a prolongé sa - Anthropologie – (...)
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    Das Ethische in der Rhetorik des Aristoteles.Markus H. Wörner - 1990
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    The restructuring in the agricultural supply sector and its consequences on agricultural production.Pascal Byé - 1989 - Agriculture and Human Values 6 (1-2):22-28.
    The article analyzes changes in agricultural demand for industrial products for the 1970–1984 period within the EEC. Furthermore, it discusses adjustments in the product supplying process with emphasis on concentration and industrial diversification. Finally, it proposes some hypotheses in terms of orientation of techniques and productive agricultural systems.
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    « L’heure d’art de la nature » : Proust et Schelling.Pascal David - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 43:281-298.
    Kant et Schelling ont fait valoir les droits de l’imagination productive comme pouvoir de fiction auquel toute connaissance est redevable. Pareille réhabilitation pourrait être une clef pour comprendre dans quelle mesure l’œuvre de Proust repose sur la ferme conviction que l’art est ce qu’il y a de plus réel et fait appel à une géométrie projective où Albertine apparaît comme centre générateur d’une « immense construction ».
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    Parrêsia et processus de véridiction: de l'Antiquité aux Lumières.Pascal Debailly, Martial Martin & Jean Vignes (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Hermann.
    Presentación editorial: "Le terme parreŝia signifie en grec ancien "franc-parler, liberte ́de parole, courage de dire la veŕite"́. Il met en ev́idence le lien qui peut unir le langage, le courage et la veŕite.́ Il insiste sur la dimension et́hique dans l'acte de parler et de penser, autrement dit l'implication de celui qui parle dans un eńonce ́qui pret́end a ̀la coin̈cidence du discours et de la veŕite.́ La parreŝia est une manier̀e de dire la veŕite ́qui fait fi des (...)
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    La face cachée de l'unionisme : crise alimentaire et conflits d'intérêts entre forces économico-politiques.Pascal Delfosse - 1990 - Res Publica 32 (1):117-146.
    This article concerns the study of the agricultural policy of the Belgian State in the period of 1844-1845. Behind the technical formulations of diverse and even contradictory laws and regulations, the interest is to reveal the political and economical interests and strategies of the main political actors. This period is at the end of the well-known belgian "Unionism" that means the alliance of the dominant farces, catholics and liberals. The study shows that this period is not exempt of conflicts between (...)
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    Les partis politiques, des agences semi-étatiques: la thèse de la'cartellisation'revisitée.Pascal Delwit, Benoît Rihoux & Olivier Paye - 2004 - In Olivier Paye (ed.), Que reste-t-il de l'Etat?: érosion ou renaissance. Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia-Bruylant.
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    Peut-il y avoir des savoirs collectifs?Pascal Engel - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 142 (3):93-106.
    Après avoir comparé la conception sommative des croyances collectives à la conception du sujet pluriel et de l’engagement conjoint, on transpose ces conceptions aux croyances justifiées, et on soutient qu’aucune de ces conceptions ne permet d’établir l’existence de connaissances collectives en un sens autre que sommatif.
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  28. Self ascriptions of Beliefs.Pascal Engel - unknown
    An analysis of the first/third person asymmetry and in the light of Moore's paradox and Shoemaker's views on first person perspective.
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    Bündnisse, die Gaia stiftet. Neue Kollektive im Anthropozän.Markus Schroer - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 6 (1):269-300.
    Angesichts des vielfach diagnostizierten Ausmaßes der Zerstörung des Planeten Erde wird aktuell viel über die Notwendigkeit der Neuzusammensetzung des lebendigen Sozialen nachgedacht. Als Alternative zur klassischen Anrufung der Gesellschaft und den von ihr einzuleitenden Maßnahmen gegen den drohenden Untergang wird auf neu zu erschaffende Kollektive gesetzt, die sowohl menschliche als auch nichtmenschliche Akteure umfassen. Diese neuen Kollektive sollen sich durch Bündnisse, Symbiosen, Kooperationen, Assoziationen und Verträge konstituieren. Vergleichbar werden die im Detail verschiedenen, insgesamt aber posthumanistisch ausgerichteten Vorschläge, durch ihren gemeinsamen (...)
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    Va savoir: de la connaissance en général.Pascal Engel - 2007 - Paris: Hermann.
    Le sceptique nous demande " Comment sais-tu que tu as deux mains? Peut-être rêves-tu, ou es-tu trompé par quelque Malin Génie? Peut-on même définir ce que c'est que la connaissance? Va savoir! " Lui rétorquer, comme le faisaient G.E. Moore et la tradition de la philosophie du sens commun : " Mais je sais bien que j'ai deux mains! " semble à la fois une pétition de principe et une bien mauvaise réponse. Le mieux, depuis que nous avons perdu le (...)
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    Georg Simmels Beitrag zu einer Theorie der Kollektivität in der Gesellschaft der Singularitäten.Pascal Berger - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 6 (1):45-78.
    The article's intent is to demonstrate the following two points: first, essential aspects of Reckwitz' singularization hypothesis are to find in the work of Georg Simmel. Second, the article highlights the timeliness of Simmel as an important impulse for the science of collectivities. Finally, the three parts - Reckwitz' theory of singularization, the science of collectivities, and Georg Simmel's thinking - find common ground in relating collectivity and individuality.
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    (1 other version)Cécile Berly, Marie-Antoinette et ses biographes. Histoire d’une écriture de la Révolution française.Pascal Dupuy - 2009 - Clio 30:278-280.
    Tiré d’un mémoire de maîtrise soutenue à l’Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, sous la direction de Jean-Clément Martin, ici préfacier, Marie-Antoinette et ses biographes. Histoire d’une écriture de la Révolution française, possède les qualités et les défauts de ce type d’exercice. Le titre en est ainsi trompeur, puisqu’il laisse envisager une enquête reposant sur l’ensemble des travaux portant sur la figure historique de Marie-Antoinette. En fait, cinq biographes ont été convoqués et fo...
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  33. Pensees, The Provincial Letters.Blaise Pascal - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51:237.
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    (1 other version)Many‐Valued Modal Propositional Calculi.Pascal Ostermann - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (4):343-354.
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    Galileo versus Aristotle on Free Falling Bodies.Markus Schrenk - 2004 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 7 (1):81-89.
    This essay attempts to demonstrate that it is doubtful if Galileo's famous thought experiment concerning falling bodies in his 'Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences' (Galileo 1954: 61-64) actually does succeed in proving that Aristotle was wrong in claiming that "bodies of different weight […] move […] with different speeds which stand to one another in the same ratio as their weights," (Galileo 1954: 61). (Part I); and further that it is likewise doubtful that that argument does or even can establish (...)
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  36. The provincial letters.Blaise Pascal - unknown
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    Spiritualität - Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven.Pascal Siegers - 2014 - Analyse & Kritik 36 (1):5-30.
    Spirituality is a contentious concept in the social sciences. This is above all due to the increasing number of different definitions of spirituality that are used in the field. Some scholars argue that given this heterogeneity, spirituality is not an analytic concept. Scholars use the concept to denote forms of belief that are not part of conventional religiosity. Therefore, spirituality refers to transformations of religion in modern societies. This paper shows that spirituality is generally defined in relation to religion or (...)
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  38. Free believers.Pascal Engel - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (3):155-175.
    Is there such a thing as free belief? This paper is not about free expression of belief or free speech. It is about freedom of belief as a mental state. In the sense in which the believer would be the cause of his or her own belief, and could believe at will, it is, for well-known reasons, impossible. Some writers, however, like McDowell, have argued, in a Kantian spirit, that obeying the norms of thought and setting oneself as a member (...)
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  39. Maillages.Pascal Jean Frey & Paul-Louis George - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Pens'ees.Blaise Pascal - 1966 - Baltimore: Penguin Books.
  41. Cognitive limits to conceptual relativity: the limitingcase of religious categories.Pascal Boyer - 1996 - In John J. Gumperz & Stephen C. Levinson (eds.), Rethinking Linguistic Relativity. Cambridge University Press. pp. 203--231.
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    3. I Love You: Weakness and Capture.Pascal Bruckner - 2012 - In The Paradox of Love. Princeton University Press. pp. 57-76.
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    Erlittene Gewalt verstehen.Pascal Delhom - 2003 - In Burkhard Liebsch & Dagmar Mensink (eds.), Gewalt Verstehen. Akademie Verlag. pp. 59-78.
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    L'émerveillement: de la présence dans la poésie et l'art modernes.Pascal Dethurens - 2019 - [Strasbourg]: L'Atelier contemporain, François-Marie Deyrolle éditeur.
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    The first red stain of the revolution: Les sources du cinéma Anglo‐saxon sur la révolution Française.Pascal Dupuy - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):150-155.
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  46. Are vague concepts limitless?Pascal Engel - 1992 - Revie Internationale de Philosophie 46 (1).
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    Comment rester insensible.Pascal Engel - 2008 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 133 (4):477-481.
    Dans cette réponse à Giovanni Tuzet, on précise le sens de la thèse de l’ « empiétement pragmatique » et on soutient que les attributions de connaissance ne se font pas de manière contextuelle, et que les facteurs pragmatiques ne menacent pas la thèse évidentialiste.
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  48. Davidsn on meaning, understanding and normativity.Pascal Engel - unknown
    There are three strands for reading the famous equation that a theory of meaning is a theory of understanding. One can give precedence to the theory of meaning, holding that what the speaker understands is such a theory. This is Davidson's stance. One can hold that understanding comes first and have a psychology of meaning. This the cognitivist stance. Or one can hold that there is no priority of meaning over understanding and vice versa. This is the Wittgensteinian stance. I (...)
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  49. Functionalism, belief, and content.Pascal Engel - 1987 - In S. Torrance (ed.), The Mind and the Machine. Horwood.
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    Introduction. Raillerie, satire, ironie et sens plus profond.Pascal Engel - 2008 - Philosophiques 35 (1):3-12.
    Can there be a unified theory of irony? The pretense theory advanced by Gregory Currie is certainly one of the best candidates, although it is not without difficulties, as one can see from various examples from Swift. It is argued that Swift gives not only an excellent illustration of the various dimensions of the pretence theory of irony, but also of an anti-post-modern conception of the values of the ironist.
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